Dr. Mikao Usui
Dr. Mikao Usui

There are many different styles of Reiki. The method I have been trained and attuned to is Usui Shiki Ryoho.

Usui Shiki Ryoho is the original Japanese branch of Reiki that focuses on the spiritual teachings of Usui and offers training in a non Western format.

Usui Reiki Ryoho translates as "Usui Spiritual Energy Healing Method" and the Usui Reiki Ryoho lineage aims to reflect the practices that were taught by Usui Mikao during his lifetime.

My training and attunements were performed by Reiki Masters Becki Baumgartner and Joyce Dierschke.

Chujiro Hayashi
Chujiro Hayashi

Our Reiki Lineage is as follows:

  • Dr Mikao Usui (1919-1922) Sensei Gyohan
  • Dr Chujiro Hayashi (1930’s)
  • Mrs. Hawayo Takata 1939
  • Iris Ishikuro 1973
  • Arthur Robertson 1982
  • Jeanine Sande 1989
  • Renaldo Torres 1994
  • Richard Fiallo 1999
  • Becki Baumgartner 2012
  • Joyce Dierschke 2012
  • Dan Craft 2015

Mrs. Hawaya Takata
Mrs. Hawaya Takata

I practice both Traditional and Contemporary Usui Shiki Ryoho in the manner that I stand by the Traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho concepts but at times incorporate additional modern methods to provide an enhanced healing session.